Solar Week 2/3 - Cabeling & Electronics

Today, we're taking you behind the scenes to unveil the intricate network of cables that make up the backside of our solar deck, affectionately known as "cable spaghetti" 😉
Solar Week 2/3 - Cabeling & ElectronicsSolar Week 2/3 - Cabeling & ElectronicsSolar Week 2/3 - Cabeling & ElectronicsSolar Week 2/3 - Cabeling & ElectronicsSolar Week 2/3 - Cabeling & ElectronicsSolar Week 2/3 - Cabeling & ElectronicsSolar Week 2/3 - Cabeling & ElectronicsSolar Week 2/3 - Cabeling & Electronics

So, what exactly do all these cables interconnect?

1. The Cells: Our journey begins with the cells provided by Meyer Burger, which form the backbone of our solar modules. These cells generate electricity, setting the stage for the rest of the system.

2. Bypass Diodes: Ever heard of them? These electrical components ensure optimal performance, particularly when solar cells are partially shaded. While all solar panels feature diodes, ours have an abundance to tackle shading effectively.

3. Maximum Power Point Trackers (MPPTs): Meet the power behind optimizing energy harvest. MPPTs, akin to DC-DC converters, fine-tune the output of solar panels for maximum efficiency. In our solar car, these MPPTs are not only more numerous but also more efficient than standard ones.

4. Protection Measures: Safety first! With high voltage in play, it's crucial to have safeguards in place. These protections ensure the PV system can be shut down swiftly in case of emergencies or maintenance needs, ensuring a safe working environment.

To bring it all together and create a fully functional PV system, all these components need to be interconnected. And that's why the backside of our deck resembles a labyrinth of cables - each serving a vital role in harnessing solar power efficiently. 🌞